The Goths: Exploring The Gothic Footprints in The Balkans

The Goths, a Germanic people known for their major role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire, played a significant role in the history of the Balkans. When talking about their early history we use Roman sources such as Jordanes. Jordanes work called Getica ( De origine actibusque Getarum) is a crucial source that provides valuable insights into the history of the Goths. It is based of earlier works of Cassiodorus, but since his work no longer exists we value Jordanes even more.

So what does Jordanes’s say about the Goths?

In Getica he traces the origins of the Goths and he believed that they emerged from the island of Scandza. Of course, many historians agree that Scandza is another term for Scandinavia. Jordanes then tells us more about their migration towards the south and the Byzantine border, and concludes his work with the Byzantine victory over Goths.

So when and why did Goths decide to invade the Balkans? One of main reasons was of course the riches of the Balkans as the part of Roman Empire. Many different groups of people did the same thing before the Goths and many times after the Goths. Another reason was Gothic need to expand and have better soil to live better lives. And the last reason would be – Goths were pressured by other migrating groups to move and manage to stay safe.

The Balkans offered solutions for Goths and their issues. Eventually even the Roman emperors saw the potential in Goths. They decided to let them move in the Roman Empire, but right on the border where they will serve the Romans as defenders of the border. The Goths agreed and worked in favor of the Romans. During their stay in the Balkans, Goths eventually accepted Christianity. Of course, this process was slow and steady. They followed Arianism, Christological doctrine, which was later declared as heresy.

The Goths That Stayed

The Goths that stayed in the Balkans were known as Ostrogoths and they grew more powerful. They ended up creating their own kingdom that was on good terms with the Byzantine Empire. The most prominent figure among the Ostrogoths was Theodoric the Great. Theodoric was a ruler of the Ostrogoths , known for his successful military campaigns. One of his most notable achievements was codification of the Roman law – Theodoric’s code.

With the support of the Byzantine Emperor Zeno, he led a massive invasion towards Italy. He then overthrew the barbarian king Odoacer, who destroyed the Western Roman Empire, and made himself a new king of the Rome. By doing this, emperor Zeno got rid of Gothic danger in the Balkans and also solved the issue in the West by letting the Theodoric overthrow Odoacer.

The Goths

In conclusion, the presence of Goths really had an impact on the Balkans by enriching the Balkan culture and history. Studying the Gothic invasion of the Balkans provides us with valuable insights into complex dynamics of cultural and genetic exchange among different civilizations.


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